Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hanakapi'ai Trail

This is a view from my recent hike to Hanakapi'ai Falls on the Na Pali coast of Kauai. The hike took 7 hours and completely wiped us out, but the views, scenery and falls were well worth the exhaustion. This drawing is donewith colored pencil on Pastelbord and is 11 x 14.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sleeping Giant

This is a view of Sleeping Giant on Kauai from the mouth of the Wailua River. This is done with colored pencil on Pastelbord. It is 11 x 14

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Secret Falls

This is a place called Secret Falls on the island of Kauai. It is a very beautiful place. To get here we paddled an outrigger canoe a few miles up the Wailua River then hiked through the rainforest a few miles. This drawing is done with Prismacolor pencils with a Neocolor underpainting. It is drawn on a 16 x 20 white Pastelbord.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


This is called Makaukau. Translated means "Ready..." It is a call from the chanter or leader to begin a certain type of Hula. It is always met with the response "Ay" from the dancers indicating that they are ready. My drawing captures that moment before the Hula begins.
This drawing is 11x14 done on gray Pastelbord with Prismacolor pencils and a Neocolor underpainting.